

When Maestra Ana was born, viche was already being distilled. She learned the craft from her grandparents and parents, who passed down their knowledge, thus continuing the tradition in her generation. She lives and grew up in Santa Rosa de Saija, and when she speaks of her territory, she feels overwhelmed with pride for her town: she loves its landscapes, its elegant stone beach, and the river that embraces it.

Her childhood was marked by the harshness of viche production work. She vividly remembers the days when she would navigate up the river in a potrillo (a small wooden boat used in the Colombian Pacific to navigate), leveraging the waters to go to the cane fields and waking up at 2 a.m. to hand-grind the cane in the traditional mill. "Now, thank God, there is the mill and one already goes in one's little boat..." Viche was and is fundamental to her and her family's history. "Now, thank God, there's the sugarcane mill, and one can go in their little boat..." Viche has been and continues to be fundamental for her and the history of her family.


Together with her husband, Maestra Ana is dedicated to producing honey and panela, but her true passion and vocation are centered around viche. With dedication and love for her work, she dreams of taking her delicious product to the cities. She meticulously cares for the quality of her viche, attending to every detail of the production process. She monitors the proper fermentation of the cane juice and controls the distillation; she is a hardworking and strict master, always seeking techniques to perfect her recipe and also taking care of her health during the cane juice cooking process.

Viche Maravillero emerges as a tribute to the tradition of enjoying a good glass of viche in her town. This perfect measure has become the ideal way to energize the day in the territories.



Viche Master: Ana Riascos Hurtado

Designation of Origin: Santa Rosa de Saija - Timbiquí, Cauca

Type of sugarcane: Xport cane.

Type of milling: Mechanical sugarcane mill

Fermentation time: 1 to 2 months.

Type of distillation: Single distillation of sugarcane fermentation

Type of still:  White aluminum, sealed with wheat flour with a guadua flute.

Alcohol content: 42%.


Maravillero is the boss of viche, it is a well-made distillate, of great elegance and is the definition of crystal clear: when placed towards the sun to see its purity, it reveals beautiful and bright streaks of light; it also has a consistent rosary, its bubbles disappear slowly after being served.

Smell: You can feel the smokiness from the cooking process of the guarapo and a subtle woody aroma with balanced citrus notes.
Taste: This viche goes down smoothly with its powerful flavor, is pleasant to drink and is dedicated to viche experts who will appreciate the sweetness accompanied by fruity notes and the slight bitterness at the end that complements them and leaves a gentle tingling in the mouth. This viche is the perfect pick-me-up, the ideal Maravillero to start the day.