Niña Nikole

El viche travieso

Niña Nikole is the mischievous viche of La Vicheria, un viche de burbujas apretadas y abundantes que estallan rápidamente al ser servido. Quema delicadamente la boca y el pecho jugando con los sentidos con su final largo, la sensación acalorada desaparece lentamente.

Screen printed bottles by El Maldito Taller

Viche master: Edelia Ruiz

Designation of Origin: Santa Rosa de Saija – Timbiquí, Cauca

750 ml - 44°

$ 98.000

Tasting notes

Smell: Its wild aroma reminds us of the fresh jungle of Cauca in the morning when the plants open up, and the delicious sugarcane juice. It feels fruity and doesn't overpower the nose. Notes of acidity can be perceived invading the mouth.
Taste: Extremely smoky and silky on the palate, complex due to its countless flavor notes, being recognized for its strong personality like Maestra Edelia. It delicately burns the mouth and chest, playing with the senses with its long finish. The warm sensation slowly fades away.



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