Mesa de trabajo 26
Mesa de trabajo 29

Important announcements for Viche from Timbiquí, Cauca.

By La Vichería /  Jan 27, 2024 / Cateogría:

Two important pieces of news have come from the municipality of Timbiquí, a land with a strong tradition of viche production, our favorite artisanal distillate.

  1. An Investment Plan for Viche is announced. A total of 9,000 million Colombian pesos will be allocated to strengthen sugarcane planting processes and develop the characterization of viche producers.
  2. It is announced that MinCulturas, together with Invima and MinSalud, issued the resolution regulating the sanitary registration of the ethnic artisanal category provided for in the Viche Law (Law 2158 of 2021).

It's always good when the government allocates necessary resources for an activity that brings development and well-being to the territories, but the details are what matter. For now, it is known that the Vice Presidency of the Republic will allocate $4.000 million for the characterization of producers, the Ministry of Equality will invest $2.000 million for cane planting and rehabilitation processes, and that MinCulturas and MinAgricultura will allocate a budget of $3.000 million to benefit and boost regional popular economies around this cultural manifestation. We'll see when these resources start to be invested and in what manner...

Secondly, the long-awaited INVIMA regulation has been signed and is now in effect, which is excellent news! We are just awaiting the official publication of the final document to analyze the final outcome. We are optimistic based on what we saw in the last draft, but once we have the final version in our hands, we will conduct an analysis of its content.

The year 2024 started off with great momentum for Viche!

*Click here to see the full official statement

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