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Mesa de trabajo 29

The long road to the legality of Viche

By La Vichería /  Jan 6, 2024 / Cateogría:

January 5, 2024

We have been waiting for this moment for over 2 years, the INVIMA Regulationor in technical terms, the document that will establish the sanitary requirements for the production and commercialization of Viche/Biche and will dictate other provisions.

The document began to be developed after the approval of the Viche Law (2158) in November 2021, and its different versions have been socialized with various stakeholders throughout these years. The challenge is not small; it involves establishing hygienic and sanitary conditions that protect consumer health while respecting the traditional artisanal production practices that have been passed down from generation to generation in this cultural manifestation of the Black community of the Colombian Pacific Coast..

To fulfill this objective, INVIMA innovates and creates a new category for the issuance of sanitary registration for alcoholic beverages in the country called Artisanal Ethnic (LAE)

Here is the proposed decree:
Requirements for the Production and Commercialization of Viche or Biche

Any person will be able to suggest changes to the document published for a period of 15 calendar days. Once this time is over, the document will undergo adjustments that the responsible parties (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, and Vice Presidency) consider appropriate, and then it will be signed and the famous "PUBLISH AND COMPLY" will be issued.

We, from La Vichería, will publish a document analyzing the articles of the decree in the coming days, along with our opinions and suggestions for necessary changes.

We are nearing the end of this stage, so that the beginning of the next one in the long history of Viche may commence.

November 2023

A couple of months ago in Bogotá and a couple of weeks ago in Medellín, municipal authorities carried out operations to seize bottles of viche, and some establishments were even closed for offering the flagship drink of the Colombian Pacific region, which still struggles to overcome decades of state persecution, whether by municipal, departmental, or national representatives.

La Ley 2158 de 2021 no ha logrado dar fin a una injusticia estatal que lleva siglos de duración. El principal destilado de caña de azúcar de Colombia, con mayor historia y que un día será marca-país, el viche, ha sido perseguido por `zeladores´ en las zonas de producción, incautado en las carreteras por la policía y el ejercito, y ahora en operaciones del siglo 21, atacado en bares y restaurante de alto standing de Bogotá y Medellín por utilizarlo para hacer cócteles! Lo absurdo se vuelve cotidiano en nuestra Colombia.

Here is an excerpt from the news in El Colombiano: “The Antioquia Revenue Authority sealed two restaurants in the Provenza area of Medellín for selling viche. John Zárate, from the Sambombi Bistró Local restaurant, recounted that on Thursday, November 9th, they received a visit from the departmental revenue agency, where they found a bottle of viche branded 'Mano de Buey' and a byproduct of the same, the Vinete aperitif, an infusion of herbs and spices."

But how much longer will we have to wait? It seems not much. What is lacking in practice are two things: how will Viche obtain the Sanitary Registry from INVIMA and what taxes will it have to pay. There is already a draft being socialized at the moment, the regulation of the Viche Law, is being shared. The Ministry of Culture together with the Ministry of Health (specifically INVIMA) are holding meetings with producers in places with Viche vocation. Meetings have already been held in Tumaco, Timbiquí, and Istmina, and only Buenaventura, Quibdó, and Nuquí are left. These meetings should end by mid-December. Once this socialization is completed, the various institutional responsibilities, most likely with the participation of the Vice President who has a personal interest in the matter, will have to define the content of the final document of the Viche regulation. Once agreed upon and signed, a new stage for Viche will begin. We will wait and see... and of course, we will keep you informed here!

La Vicheria is an organization whose mission is to valorize Viche, bridging the gap between its producers and consumers. This involves staying informed about what happens with viche, sharing it with all stakeholders, and advocating for their interests. Through this Logbook, we will periodically share news of interest about viche and updates on the Viche Law. Sing up for our newsletter to receive updates directly to your inbox.

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